New Art Print Collection inspired by Henri Rousseau

The French post impressionist painter Henri Rousseau was the inspiration behind a new range of art prints available on the site now. Known for his naive paintings of animals and jungles, Rousseau created enchanting and exotic worlds that have delighted us all ever since.

Rousseau inspired art prints - jungle animals painted in the Henri Rousseau style by Bex Parkin

The idea for the collection came after a commission for an art licensing project with the French toy company Djeco. I was asked to create a range of transfer stickers based on this colourful artist. You can find them here.

One of the backgrounds for the transfer set designed for Djeco

and here are the mini stickers that go with it

The Rousseau Art Print Collection

This gave me the idea of doing a series of art prints in this very simple style that I thought would appeal to children and parents alike. Big, bold animals that weren’t scary and maybe a little funny too! So far customers have been loving the first three prints - leopard, sloth and tiger.

The Leopard

The sloth!

The Tiger

The zebra

As we realized customers preferred to display the prints in two’s and three’s, it made sense to add to the collection to provide more choice. The zebra print is now live on the website and coming soon are a crocodile, baboon and gibbon! Plus we have ideas for many, many more characters to add to the family.

Bex ParkinRousseau